English as a Second Language In and Out of Context

Welcome to our ESL site where you can learn about English in and out of context.

Our purpose is to guide the adult learners at all levels in mastering the practical elements of the language. Knowing about key celebrations, understanding idioms, and pronouncing tongue twisters are just a few examples.


* Beginners

** Intermediate



Fun reading on the complexity of the English Language ***

Tongue Twisters **

Countable/Uncountable ***

"If questions- Conditional sentences.***

Idiom dialogue + response***


Possessives dialogue **

Multiple Meanings dialogue**

False Cognates **

Celebrations *

Pronounciation of "ed" endings **


Test on phrasal verbs ***

Interactive Quiz**

Valérie Gélineau ([email protected])

Emily-Rose Thibeault ([email protected])

Carol Putnam ([email protected] )

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